Audrey Riffenburgh, Ph.D.
President of Health Literacy Connections, LLC
(formerly Plain Language Works)
Dr. Riffenburgh's background includes over 20 years in health literacy and plain language, including as the Health Literacy Specialist in one of the Southwest’s leading academic medical centers. She has trained hundreds of professionals who work in health care, public health, insurance, legal, and research organizations in her workshops on developing reader-friendly, plain language print and web information. Her firm has created several award-winning publications.
Audrey has presented at conferences in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. Her clients include hospitals and health systems, government agencies, Native American communities, publishers, and more. She is also a co-founder of a national consortium of experts in the field,
She is the first author of a chapter, Riffenburgh, A. & Stableford, S. (2019). Health literacy and clear communication: Keys to engaging older adults and their families. In R. H. Robnett & N. Brossoie (Eds.), Gerontology for the health care professional (109-128) (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
A portion of our profits are donated to the Center for American Indian Health (